Helping Hand for Ukraine!

Helping Hand for Ukraine!

God leads and encourages us to be a light for those who don’t know what direction to take and where to go next, as they are processing their grief and losses during these difficult days.

The number of those who are crossing the border from Ukraine looking for shelter and safety is increasing day by day. Some of them stay in Romania for only a short period of time and then continue their journey to other countries, while others are staying and beginning new lives here while always carrying with them the memories of the loved ones they left behind.

We cannot stand idly by in front of these people and the stories in their eyes and souls.

So far, a total of 131 volunteers have responded to our call for help for the people of Ukraine, 79 of whom have housed and donated. Thus, we have 57 homes that have been opened here in Bucharest, 12 outside the city and 2 abroad, but this is still not enough.

The remaining volunteers have been working tirelessly for almost 2 weeks to help those fleeing the war. They are providing transportation and housing details, meeting the needs of refugees in various situations such as translating, medical help, legalizing documents, as well as delivering food where needed.

The needs are growing and are staggering as we see the complexity of new cases. That is why m we still need volunteers to actively help with transportation refugees, with housing, with translation into Ukrainian or Russian, as well as other specific needs that arise daily.

If you want to help in any way, we encourage you to write to us, filling in the form on the website: .


To date, the number of refugees who have received our assistance is over 220. 

At the moment, 132 people, of whom 41 are children, are still housed in the homes of volunteers who provide shelter and warm meals during this time. Most Ukrainian families that cross our paths are made up of mothers with children, grandmothers with grandchildren, and aunts. Rarely, we meet grandfathers who are passed the age of responding to the call to take up arms and who now protect their families by traveling as far away as possible from war.

Thanks to donors and sponsors, we have raised over 33,000 euros.

In recent days, Bunavestire has provided materials and financial support for other local churches including:

  • Cuvantul Foundation-Micești Camp, currently hosts approximately 50 refugees. We responded to their call for help with financial support of 2,020 euros to cover the costs of electricity, the purchase of wood for heat and other utilities. As well, items were collected from members of Bunavestire and a private donor provided 50 towels for the shelter in Micesti.
  • 50 bed lines were donated to Sfânta Treime church in Bucharest
  • We made sure that one of the Ukrainian families, consisting of a mother and her daughter would be reunited with their loved ones, by purchasing the necessary bus tickets to Riga, the capitol of Latvia.

Please continue to help! God will reward tenfold for your service.

How can you help?

  • Register as a volunteer, through the form on the website: . Your help is welcomed!
  • There is a great need for more hosts who can provide long-term shelter as well as warm meals. This way we can supplement the current number of refugees being housed. Those who are asking us now for help and will continue to ask in the future are people with fewer possibilities and who have lost everything as a result of the bombings.
  • If you know Ukrainian or Russian speakers, please contact us at 0723.646.635 – Florin Cordis. This is a huge need right now.
  • We also need  volunteers who specialize in treating depression, trauma counseling or psychological and emotional problems. Some of those affected by this war need this type of specialized care.
  • Donate to the following accounts with the statement UCRAINA:


IBAN LEI:      RO91 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0000
IBAN EURO: RO64 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0001
IBAN USD:    RO37 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0002

BANCA: UniCredit Bank, Sucursala Orizont

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