From heart to heart… to Ukraine

From heart to heart… to Ukraine

We are continung to offer support, attention,, love and consolation to those affected by the war in Ukraine.

God has been and is with us in this outreach of humanitarian aid and He is caring for all who are involved: from those who are affected by the war and have crossed the borders, to the volunteers giving their time and energy to offer their help, to those at home who offer their prayers and open their homes and hearts through hosting and giving their finances.


Since the beginning of this outreach  we have been able to house over 250 people.

Recently, approximately 50 volunteers have successfully offered transportation and housing for 129 Ukrainians and their pets. Among these are 85 adults and teenagers and 44 children. Over 70 families have opened up their homes, at all hours of the night and day to offer housing to those in need here, in Bucharest as well as in the countryside.

În ultimele zile și-au unit forțele aproximativ 50 de voluntari reușind astfel să oferim transport și cazare gratuită pentru 129 de persoane din Ucraina și animalele lor de companie, dintre care 85 de adulți și adolescenți, și 44 de copii. Peste 70 de familii ne-au deschis ușa caselor lor, la orice oră din zi și noapte, pentru a găzdui pe cei aflați în nevoie, atât în București, cât și în țară.

Food and Financial Assistance

With the help of our contributors we have provided 140 portions  food daily for those who have fled. Even more, our donors have covered the necessary costs through their donations amounting to approximately 15,000 euros. Included in this sum was over 6,000 euros that was used by the Ukrainian Baptist Union  to pay for food, transportation across the border from beseiged cities to Cernauti. The rest of the sum of  money was used to support churches in Romania that received the refugees such as churches from Tulcea, Braila, Dorohoi, Suceava, Sighet, Bucharest as well as for some families in our church that are housing up to 30 Ukrainians.

Needs of the refugees

Some of the most identifiable needs so far have been for safety, food, and shelter, and sanitary conditions. More specifically they need help with translation, obtaining visa documents, transportation to and housing in their final destination, medical care, proper documents for transporting animals, obtaining and changing money and the list goes on.

You can see the entire list HERE



Our work is not yet done. We continue to serve our neighbors with much sympathy and love  in these coming days.  And the people of Ukraine strengthen us in return, with their words of thanks and  their timid smiles as they are marked and affected by this war.

The Lord bless you!  You all were truly a help to us, ones who are strangers.  I pray for the Lord to pour out his blessings on you.


In order for this work to continue, we need your continued support, both in prayer and with donations or volunteerig. We thank you for all of this.


How can you help?

Tell us how you can help by filling out the form HERE , or donate to the accounts below, mentioning UKRAINE.


IBAN LEI:      RO91 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0000
IBAN EURO: RO64 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0001
IBAN USD:    RO37 BACX 0000 0011 6652 0002

BANCA: UniCredit Bank, Sucursala Orizont

You can also help by donating material goods needed to help refugees in Ukraine by consulting the Needs List by clicking HERE

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